Todd Norris
  • Active Release Technique

Todd Norris is a highly skilled medical massage practitioner with over 14 years of experience helping people find relief from muscle imbalances and related conditions. His journey began after experiencing his own physical limitations, which led him to discover the power of massage therapy.

Todd has since become an expert in his field, with over 30,000 hours of hands-on experience, specializing in active release technique. He has a reputation for his ability to resolve even the most stubborn issues and has worked with a wide range of clients, from professional athletes to office workers. Todd approaches each session with a holistic perspective, taking the time to understand each client’s unique needs and goals, and providing personalized care. He also empowers his clients to take charge of their own wellness by providing tips and exercises for them to use between sessions. Todd’s focus on deep tissue therapeutic massage allows him to find and resolve restrictions in the neck, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet, and his expertise in active release technique enables him to restore function to affected areas. He has found that his clients who benefit the most from his treatments are active individuals that develop overuse injuries from the activities they do. Through his 14 years of experience and over 30,000 hours of touching and resolving muscle issues, Todd has learned that the body builds up imbalances and restrictions over time through scar tissue, which can have serious effects on how the body moves. His ability to find and resolve these imbalances and restrictions is a valuable skill that has helped many clients improve their mobility and overall quality of life.

Todd is a highly respected member of the medical massage community, known for his skill, dedication, and passion for helping people live healthier, pain-free lives.