“The energy movements that happen with acupuncture needles have allowed me to understand that humans have a very unique and dynamic interaction with the universe.”
What is your field of treatment?
I work primarily with Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Herbal medicine, nutritional and lifestyle guidance, and aromatherapy and essential oils. I attended Pacific College of Oriental Medicine where I had the unique opportunity to study Internal Medicine at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Science Hospital in Chengdu China and Tibet, Acupuncture without Borders healing community trauma (Colorado), San Diego Children’s Hospital Cancer and Pain Centers, and the UCSD RIMAC center for athletes. I have been practicing since 2006.
Tell us more about how you work.
My acupuncture sessions may incorporate needling, cupping, guasha, moxa, estem, tui na massage. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbs are made as individualized formulas and herbal consultations can be given without acupuncture if requested. With nutritional & lifestyle guidance, I guide the body through subtle nutritional changes.
I use Aromatherapy and Essential Oils oils from Floracopeia and Young Living, essential oil companies that support important global goals.
What else should we know about you?
I work closely with mentors and partners Ashley Lanahan, and Jennifer Fritschy to understand the magic of empathy, intuition, clairvoyancy and energy movements and continue to grow as a student of energy fields each day.